
Phillip Jeffries’ Shangri-La collection marries East & West and brings the drama


Phillip Jeffries uses materials like hand-woven raffia, real wood, cork, silk, horsehair, and of course, their signature Manila hemp to create their latest Spring 2019 collection, Shangri-La. The materials, while undoubtably high quality, are not what sets this collection apart, but rather, the design & artistry behind it. Fretwork (above) takes laser-cut wood veneer and hand places each cut onto a delicate mylar metallic ground to create the look of intricate tile work. Below, the Glazier pattern, made to mimic the dripping of hand-glazed pottery, showcases how old techniques can create a very clean and modern design. The marriage of Eastern influence and a Western aesthetic flair has truly created some dramatic works of art within the collection. Available at all Harsey & Harsey locations.


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